Monday, January 7, 2013
This was Amy when we were in highschool.
A friend of mine passed away this past weekend of breast cancer.  She fought the greatest battle I have ever seen when it comes to cancer.  3 years was her battle, I'm sure others have been longer.  She has a tremendous story.  One which she shared so openly on her blog Marginalia and her Caring Bridge Site.  I am still processing, and feel unqualified, small, and a bit misplaced when I write about her.  How did I know her?  Well, I was 13 and attended youth group for the first time at Forest Hill Church. My parents wanted to find a church I connected with and it was my first Sunday.  Which happened to be picture Sunday.  So I was forced into a youth group picture with a bunch of folks I didn't know. Amy happened to be in these pictures.  I remember her laugh.  It was loud.  I remember her smile because she did it all the time.  After my parents decided to attend there regularly I saw her regularly.  We did go to different schools.  But, every Sunday and Wednesday evenings we were present in the same room, singing youth group songs, laughing and learning about Jesus together.  It was great.

My fondest memories and where we really connected were on youth group trips.  Van rides!  There were a few who rode in certain vans with certain leaders.  Amy moved around.  But, she loved blaring loud music...rolling the window down, yelling out of the window of different vans, etc.  9hr. van rides were always more fun with Amy!  She was always smiling.  I recently went through my youth group pictures of her, and there was not a single one of her not smiling (above is a great example)!  

As I have processed her passing, I have thought more about legacy.  What am I supposed to pass down to my children, to my friends, to the people that I encounter on a daily basis?  What will people remember me for?  Amy's legacy was bigger than herself.  Her zeal for Jesus, life, husband, daughter, friends spread to so many.  What qualities should we have to lead the legacy we want to leave when its our turn to leave this earth?  The bible says that our days are numbered and that we don't know when it is our turn.  I think for me, I would be sad to have regret, or not have lived life for others ahead of myself.  She was 34. I will be 34 in a few weeks.  Her life is such a reminder to leave a great legacy, for the time that you have.  For your children, grandchildren and their children.  It requires us to think and be in a deeper level than ourselves because it is far greater than the here and now.

She attracted great people to her...In closing here is a recent event I was not able to attend but would have if I could have.  But, her friends put this on for her.  She didn't know, but it will give you an idea of how well she was loved, her zeal (because if she could have, she would have been out there with them).  Please continue to pray for her family as she left behind a husband and daughter who both adored her.



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