Monday, December 24, 2012
7:30 AM
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Ha...I almost did not do this for 2012. Over the last month or so our personal life has been a bit of a whirlwind, so trying to catch up on "traditions" and trying to make them happen, well, I'm a little behind. I apologize. Really, I do. Presents are going out late, and things that I have never been behind on, are just late. I guess, I am asking for a little grace as we are still playing a little bit of catch up from our move out/move back in day.
2012 in review is hard to nail down some major events as there were quite a few. Disney is probably the most memorable one. We completely enjoyed going. It was truly magical as the kids loved seeing the characters, riding the rides and ate in Cinderella's castle. What fun!
We took my dad as a 60th birthday/Christmas present and enjoyed seeing him see the magic too. It truly is like being a kid again. You often catch yourself skipping through the streets or singing tunes, or even swaying from side to side when you go through "Its a Small World"
We are looking forward to going back in 2013 if we can!
Paige turned 4 this year! My how the time flies. She is reading, doing math, and drawing like crazy! She loves crafts, and art, and I am amazed daily with her mind and how it works. She is inspiring me to look and find joy in the littlest things. She is always happy! If she isn't happy she is usually sick and even then, she will hop in your lap, lay her head next to you and smile. She finished up the 3 year old class in her preschool with one of her favorite people Ms. Ashley. I can't say enough kind words for her hard work and dedication to all the children, but particularly Paige. She invested so much in her. Paige was fortunate to have her for two years in a row!
Summer quickly came upon us, and I love summer, the kids are home and we are on our time vs. the schools or meetings and such that I have going on. We laughed and played together. We went to the pool a lot! The kids did some fun camps and we just enjoyed one another.
Zach has grown a ton this year! Although, already a big boy it shouldn't surprise you that he surpassed Paige this year in weight! He also started 2 year old preschool, which only puts him in class 2 days a week, but being the social bug that he is, it is just the right amount for him to come home talking non-stop about his day with his friends, on the playground, etc. Zach has a love for Monster Trucks. I am a very thankful mommy for growing up with a dad that introduced me to cars and some "boy things". Although, still learning from my boy, the names of each small truck he has, at least I know the names of his hot wheels cars. Especially when he says to me, mom this is a bug and this is a porche! It makes me glad I can relate to his interests. Zach just turned 3 a few days ago, and if you get to know him, or already know him, than you have not missed a chance for his sweet hugs! Although, boy to the core of his being, he also has a heart of gold for others! And...he absolutely adores his sister. They are the bestest of friends, and I hope and pray they stay that way for a very long time.
Wayne has transitioned quite a bit this year as they were doing layoffs at his work at Maersk. Which, leads me to our yearly theme or what God has been teaching us this year. I think the first is prayer, the second has been to relentlessly trust Him, and the 3rd is perseverance I couldn't pick one. As we knew his job was coming to a close, we prayed without ceasing every night that God would provide him the right job, at the right time. Even the kids would pray "for Daddy's new job". We prayed at breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. I'm not kidding. We prayed with hope, we prayed with trust, we prayed with peace that God would answer, at the right time. And, at the 11th hour, which He often does with us, he answered. He answered with a job application that Wayne had placed with Bank of America 6mos. before he knew he was going to lose his job! Within two days he got a phone call, and was hired. He has been blessed with a great opportunity there. In fact, he just received an award for some programming he did on a project that just finished up. I often don't really know what Wayne does at work, but as his wife, it is wonderful to see him in a place where what he does excites him.
Lastly, what am I up to??? Well, I am soaking up all of this precious time with my children. They are growing WAY too fast. It is sad, and glorious as I get to be a part of walking them through their questions about life. I feel so far from being worthy of answering them. But, I feel so blessed to be walking this journey with them. I am beginning to grieve Paige going off to Kindergarten. Although, we are unsure of her schooling situation yet (you can continue to pray for that), I am certain that she will thrive at whatever she does. I have continued with my business.I did tackle a new passion towards it in Health/Nutrition/Wellness. I got two certifications this year, one in Nutrition, the other in Weightloss and I am also now able to conduct a DNA screening that allows me to customize plans for Nutrition/Supplementation/Exercise based off of this test. That has been the most exciting for me. I am just passionate about putting good information in people's hands, educating, and helping others. I helped a group of folks lose a combination of over 80lbs. in 12 weeks. I have been blessed to help several ladies with chronic illness maintain a quality of life they haven't had in a while. I have been educating, and doing some informal webinars. Out of this passion and people who have asked me when I was going to write things down, I decided to turn this blog upside down and give it new meaning and new purpose. I hope it will. With conversations on life, wellness, and being uniquely made. I am looking forward to sharing, conversing and "being" with other women in these areas. If you haven't already please sign up to get it, I'm hoping to have guests join me in the discussion. I hope God's purpose will be lit up all over this place.
I want to end here regarding our little family, but just as our family has prayed with trust, we have also tried to pray with perseverance We have been trying to sell our house for about 2 1/2 years now. We have taken it on and off the market, switched Realtor a few times, but for some reason, it is not our time yet. We thought it was in October, when our house had an offer on it that we excepted. The first offer. But, the buyers backed out a few days before closing and although still in shock we peacefully moved our stuff back in the house. I say peacefully, because not one time did we feel anxious, angry or give up. I think when Wayne and I got married, we knew life wasn't smooth, but we certainly have been delt a few bumps. But, through the bumps we have never lost site of the God we trust with our lives. He sees the bigger picture that we don't see. In every trial we have gone through, although we don't have all the answers, we see God's purpose in the trial. We grow, we stretch, and we cling tight as what is beyond the trial has ALWAYS without fail been far greater than we ever imagined. It makes it a little easier to persevere through the storm when we KNOW that what lies ahead will only prosper us! So here's to selling our house in 2013! We await the showings with joy and I will try not to grumble as much ;)
Life passes us by doesn't it? I heard a verse today that I am hoping to live by and think about each day as I go into 2013 "and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." Isiah 58:10 After all that has happened in the last week or so with the elementary school shooting, I can't forget ever...that Good will always win over evil. Always. The bible ends that way, it ends with the triumphant Almighty God rising above and winning this battle over all the bad that is in this world. So, I hope our family in 2013 is spent using our gifts and talents giving back to others while we await His return.
I am always amazed at the hope that lies in this little babe, that was born in a manger to save the world! To God be the glory, have a very Merry Christmas!
2012 in review is hard to nail down some major events as there were quite a few. Disney is probably the most memorable one. We completely enjoyed going. It was truly magical as the kids loved seeing the characters, riding the rides and ate in Cinderella's castle. What fun!
We took my dad as a 60th birthday/Christmas present and enjoyed seeing him see the magic too. It truly is like being a kid again. You often catch yourself skipping through the streets or singing tunes, or even swaying from side to side when you go through "Its a Small World"
We are looking forward to going back in 2013 if we can!
Paige turned 4 this year! My how the time flies. She is reading, doing math, and drawing like crazy! She loves crafts, and art, and I am amazed daily with her mind and how it works. She is inspiring me to look and find joy in the littlest things. She is always happy! If she isn't happy she is usually sick and even then, she will hop in your lap, lay her head next to you and smile. She finished up the 3 year old class in her preschool with one of her favorite people Ms. Ashley. I can't say enough kind words for her hard work and dedication to all the children, but particularly Paige. She invested so much in her. Paige was fortunate to have her for two years in a row!
Summer quickly came upon us, and I love summer, the kids are home and we are on our time vs. the schools or meetings and such that I have going on. We laughed and played together. We went to the pool a lot! The kids did some fun camps and we just enjoyed one another.
Zach has grown a ton this year! Although, already a big boy it shouldn't surprise you that he surpassed Paige this year in weight! He also started 2 year old preschool, which only puts him in class 2 days a week, but being the social bug that he is, it is just the right amount for him to come home talking non-stop about his day with his friends, on the playground, etc. Zach has a love for Monster Trucks. I am a very thankful mommy for growing up with a dad that introduced me to cars and some "boy things". Although, still learning from my boy, the names of each small truck he has, at least I know the names of his hot wheels cars. Especially when he says to me, mom this is a bug and this is a porche! It makes me glad I can relate to his interests. Zach just turned 3 a few days ago, and if you get to know him, or already know him, than you have not missed a chance for his sweet hugs! Although, boy to the core of his being, he also has a heart of gold for others! And...he absolutely adores his sister. They are the bestest of friends, and I hope and pray they stay that way for a very long time.
Wayne has transitioned quite a bit this year as they were doing layoffs at his work at Maersk. Which, leads me to our yearly theme or what God has been teaching us this year. I think the first is prayer, the second has been to relentlessly trust Him, and the 3rd is perseverance I couldn't pick one. As we knew his job was coming to a close, we prayed without ceasing every night that God would provide him the right job, at the right time. Even the kids would pray "for Daddy's new job". We prayed at breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. I'm not kidding. We prayed with hope, we prayed with trust, we prayed with peace that God would answer, at the right time. And, at the 11th hour, which He often does with us, he answered. He answered with a job application that Wayne had placed with Bank of America 6mos. before he knew he was going to lose his job! Within two days he got a phone call, and was hired. He has been blessed with a great opportunity there. In fact, he just received an award for some programming he did on a project that just finished up. I often don't really know what Wayne does at work, but as his wife, it is wonderful to see him in a place where what he does excites him.
Lastly, what am I up to??? Well, I am soaking up all of this precious time with my children. They are growing WAY too fast. It is sad, and glorious as I get to be a part of walking them through their questions about life. I feel so far from being worthy of answering them. But, I feel so blessed to be walking this journey with them. I am beginning to grieve Paige going off to Kindergarten. Although, we are unsure of her schooling situation yet (you can continue to pray for that), I am certain that she will thrive at whatever she does. I have continued with my business.I did tackle a new passion towards it in Health/Nutrition/Wellness. I got two certifications this year, one in Nutrition, the other in Weightloss and I am also now able to conduct a DNA screening that allows me to customize plans for Nutrition/Supplementation/Exercise based off of this test. That has been the most exciting for me. I am just passionate about putting good information in people's hands, educating, and helping others. I helped a group of folks lose a combination of over 80lbs. in 12 weeks. I have been blessed to help several ladies with chronic illness maintain a quality of life they haven't had in a while. I have been educating, and doing some informal webinars. Out of this passion and people who have asked me when I was going to write things down, I decided to turn this blog upside down and give it new meaning and new purpose. I hope it will. With conversations on life, wellness, and being uniquely made. I am looking forward to sharing, conversing and "being" with other women in these areas. If you haven't already please sign up to get it, I'm hoping to have guests join me in the discussion. I hope God's purpose will be lit up all over this place.

Life passes us by doesn't it? I heard a verse today that I am hoping to live by and think about each day as I go into 2013 "and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." Isiah 58:10 After all that has happened in the last week or so with the elementary school shooting, I can't forget ever...that Good will always win over evil. Always. The bible ends that way, it ends with the triumphant Almighty God rising above and winning this battle over all the bad that is in this world. So, I hope our family in 2013 is spent using our gifts and talents giving back to others while we await His return.
I am always amazed at the hope that lies in this little babe, that was born in a manger to save the world! To God be the glory, have a very Merry Christmas!
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