Friday, December 28, 2012
Life is good over here at the Thomas household, but it is even better when we are well.  What about you?  Sick kids, sick spouse, sick you...its no fun.  What I want to be clear about when I post on wellness, is that it is not about how to avoid getting sick or how to take that vitamin C well, NO...not at all, my passion and my heartbeat is to help folks from the INSIDE out be well.  That doesn't mean just weightloss or "fixing" a chronic illness through supplementation and organic eating, it actually means that we all need to THINK about what we are putting in our bodies both healthy and non-healthy things and have knowledge and confidence to make wise choices when it comes to wellness.

Throughout the course of our journey together you are going to hear me refer to the Bible or Scripture often. It is because that is what I believe is an authoritative book that holds the truth.  There is absolutely no question in my mind that it is true.  So, my perspectives are Biblical as well as my own life experiences, and since I am a woman, my point of view will come from that angle as well.

This picture is the perfect example of how I think about wellness.  It comes from Marquette University.   They call it the "Wellness Wheel"  Love it!  
In regards to wellness, the Bible discusses the body quite a bit beginning in Genesis, and actually first and foremost God created the body and He created a woman's body to be enjoyed by a man.  I think this is important because it is part of the foundation of taking care of our bodies.  First we were created by a Creator who literally thought we were important enough to be created, and Secondly, He thought we should be beautiful enough for us to be enjoyed.  There is so much here!

To conclude my wellness thoughts so that I can get started on more specific wellness topics, I want you to know, I consider myself a wholistic thinker.  I like to think big picture.  I can see long term when others see short-term.  I encourage towards the long-term.  My knowledge and my expertise comes from a couple of places, my background, where I grew up with a sick mother.  Her drive to be well, encouraged me to pursue this for myself, for my family, and for others.  I am not apposed to medicine, my step-dad is a retired pediatrician, which means I have a complete personal MD at my finger tips!  My wholistic approach comes when I believe getting your body into its own natural rhythm before going the medication route unless of course your doctor advises you otherwise.  I am not a doctor, I don't claim to be.  However, I do hold fun degrees and certifications that allow me to discuss these things from a level that is intelligent and authoritative.

I love questions on this stuff, they drive me to be better at what I do here at home.  So please converse with me.  You may find I will tell you to talk to your doctor, and that might be because it is out of realm of expertise, but that's ok, ask anyway - and maybe we can come up with questions you should ask your doctor!    

Life is too short to not be well!  You have family, jobs, fun things going on in your life that require you to be well for a long time!  What are some fun topics on wellness, that you've always wondered about?  Energy?  Why take vitamins?  What?  Tell me.  I'm listening.

If you have read this deserve a recipe!  Try this in the crockpot!  You will LOVE it, and its easy.  Please adjust the spice to the taste of your family.  Mine like it mild or none at all.

Found this one on Pinterest - I tweaked according to my family wellness style.  You can see the original here.

Crockpot Honey Sesame Chicken

4 boneless chicken breasts (about 2 pounds)
Salt and pepper  (add in mixture)
1/2 cup diced onion
1/4 cup ketchup
2 tablespoons vegetable oil or olive oil
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (this is where I adjusted for spice - this can be very spicy for kids)
4 teaspoons cornstarch
4c. brown Rice - or Quinoa  or even whole wheat Cous Cous
1/2 tablespoon (or more) sesame seeds

2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup honey 
1/2 cup low-sodium soy sauce 
1/3 cup water 
3 scallions, chopped

Place chicken in Crock Pot.

In a medium bowl, combine onion, garlic, honey, ketchup, soy sauce, oil and red pepper flakes(optional). Pour over chicken. Cook on low for 3-4 hours, or high for 2 hours.

Remove chicken to a cutting board, leaving sauce in crockpot.   Shred chicken into bite-sized pieces; set aside. 

Prepare rice.  I often will use the minute brown rice for time purposes.  But if you are using Quinoa allow more time.  

Add cornstarch to crock pot. Stir to combine with sauce. Cover and cook sauce on high for ten more minutes, or until slightly thickened.

Add cooked rice to 4 plates, top with chicken and spoon sauce over top. Sprinkle evenly with sesame seeds and chopped scallions.


  1. Love your definition of wellness. Most of us just assume it means being the right weight, but you're right... it's much more than that.

    {I am a founding member of The Influence Network, just like you, and I wanted to click on all the buttons and say "hello"! Glad to be a part of what God will do there, in and through us.}

    1. Hey there! Great to meet you! I am looking forward to journeying with so many fantastic women! Thanks for reaching out!

      Wellness, is definitely so much more! We just have to create habits to think that way! Happy New Year!

  2. So nice to "meet" you, Jamie, and I look forward to getting to know you more through the Influence Network! That honey sesame chicken sounds delish.



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