Wednesday, January 23, 2013
I had a couple of wonderful grandmas.  One could cook pretty good southern food, the other was an amazing Polish cook who baked like a mad woman.  Both loved the kitchen and had crazy talents in that area.  I was blessed to at least be in their presence while they cooked, but even more blessed when they wrote their recipes down.  I'm sure it was difficult for them to do because they knew everything by heart!  It was awesome!  Do you have any wonderful "Grandma Recipes" to share?

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!  Of course you know they are the healthier type of southern recipes and within Glycemic Impact eating.

1.  Sausage and Peppers

2.  This is a slight variation to my Grandmothers meatballs - but it is because I like lower fat meats.  We used bison instead of the ground chunk.  Love this recipe!  So easy and everyone loves it.



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