Tuesday, December 6, 2011
2:41 PM
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A Year of Joy! That is how I would define it. I think our little family has definitely experienced some interesting challenges over the last several years. Sometimes Wayne and I wonder if we will get a year that doesn't exist of those grown-up hardships that we try to shield our kids from. But, they exist each year, but every year we rest in the fact that Christ gives us a reason to be joyful, even in the rough and tough times of life. I think if there is one thing we have learned at a deeper level is what it means to LOVE and to TRUST God even when things are not going exactly the way we would envision it to be. I think that actually might define true faith. When you are willing to still be "All out" for God even when you don't feel like it. That's a real relationship, much like that of a marriage.
I read an article by Tim Tebow the other day, and it is too good not to share what he had to say after being asked to chill out on his Jesus comments by another fellow football player. There are not too many folks out there who have a backbone of faith like this. Wayne and I both have appreciated his willingness to be that front runner for Jesus who is joyful enough to share his faith!
For us, as a family there has been so many wonderful things we have to be thankful for, but we also want to translate those great joys into something we share with others! I mean, when we get excited about a great deal we got, or something fun we did...most of us, immediately tell our friends, or at least go to facebook and post! I hope Wayne and I teach our children the same kind of excitement for our Lord. I hope that as we celebrate Jesus' birthday and as our kids get older, they become excited enough about, not only this season, but what Christ is doing in their own hearts that they "shout it from the mountain tops."
May we rest easy this Christmas, knowing that Jesus as come, Jesus is present, and that Jesus has won over death!
This year, Wayne took a new position within his company. It has been a very good learning experience for him. He has learned lots of new skills, as well as recently traveling to India to facilitate training. He really enjoyed his trip to India, as it was the first time Wayne had EVER been out of the country! As his wife, it was a little scary watching his flight on flight tracker go over so many countries. His flight time was about 17hrs. in flight. And, the time difference is 11hrs. ahead of the east coast. It actually worked out great to talk to him, because as I was waking up, he was about to go to bed! And...I have a new love for Skype, as it was perfect and free to talk to him while he was a half a world away!
Wayne continues to learn good wines, and loves sharing those finds with others. Our back porch has been his perfect place to have a fire, sit on the porch and share some great time with many great friends. His other past time is hanging out with the family at Paige's dance lessons on Monday evenings.
Paige and Wayne share a datenight each month with each other as well! He asks her each time what she wants, and 99% of the time, it is dinner at chick-fil-A wearing some sort of fancy dress, a movie and sleeping in the tent.
I continue to absolutely love being a mom to my kids. It by far surpasses anything that I do! This year started out with a 1 year old and 2 1/2 year old where Paige was going to school two days a week and I had Zach with me every day. During those days I took Zach to My Gym a few times a week and to the library. Then, hit the summer, where we did Camp Tiny courtesy of a great writer friend, who shared her talents with us mommy's this summer. We had some great fun being creative, memorizing bible verses, and connecting with each other.
Then...came fall! Both Zach and Paige started school. Paige 3 days a week and Zach 1 day a week. At first, Zach wasn't too happy about going, but now he has warmed up nicely and I am so proud of my children, as Paige walks him to school with me each Friday morning, holding his hand and telling Zach, "you are going to have so much fun today at school." He smiles and now...walks right in to his teachers. And, of course I teared up dropping Paige off for the first time in car line...watching her grow up to become a little lady makes me proud, but wonders where the time goes!
Her and I share on a monthly basis a Mommy/Daughter date night. We will either watch a movie, and have a girls sleepover, or go get our nails done and then hop over to the cupcake shop. Sometimes we will insert a game or two of memory, candy land, or Old Maid! I love my connecting time with her. It is priceless to me!
My business is going strong, we are entering our 5th year...stronger than last year as in March we decided to add a new componant to it. So now, not only do we do Virtual Assistance and Web Design, but we have added a social shopping comparison site as well (similar to Amazon, but offering cashback to the consumers who shop through there). If you love to support small businesses, this is a great way to do it, and we can even help you find the best deals on products you normally buy with over 4,000 partner stores (Barnes and Nobles, Travelocity, REI, Ebay, etc.). I am so proud of my little company, the mission behind it, the women behind it, the families that support it, and the ability to help individuals, small businesses, and now families save time and money. I feel so blessed by the opportunities that have come with it, and am looking forward to another 5 years! So fun!
Personally, I still have my girls group on Monday nights. We have taken the fall off, but are eager to get back for January! Two of those girls are expecting some little ones, that we cannot wait to have in our playgroup. Playgroups have been less and less since the kids started school, so we don't get to see each other as much, so having Monday nights has been such a blessing to relax and catch up.
And, last, but certainly not least, time with my sweet husband, although the season is quite busy with kids and such we make time for one another every Saturday evening! Wayne took me to the American Idol concert this year (I'm a big Scotty fan! ;) I would say this year has just been a great year for connecting for the two of us. We have really been able to make a great effort to make that time for one another. I'm actually proud of us, because in the years past it was not only hard, but almost impossible! So, this year, we made this "resolution" and stuck to it.
Life as a three year old has been great for Paige. She has accomplished so much this year even coming out of her shell quite a bit from a shy girl, to a little girl who loves to be involved and included. She loved school last year, so we enrolled her again this year. We were fortunate that she got her same teacher that she bonded so well with last year for her 3 year old class. She now goes to school 3 days a week and insists on car line 2 days a week as it is her "big girl duty". On Friday it is her big sister duty to walk her brother in, and then I get the privledge of walking her in that day and she loves that as well.
We started the year off taking Paige to Disney for her birthday! Wow...I have never seen a kids eyes be filled with such joy as she met the princesses she thinks so highly of, and the whole experience was just amazing for all of us! Wayne and I decided to just take her, as we left Zach with a friend, since he was only a year old. Her favorite part was meeting the princesses, and just time with us. It truly was treasured time!
This fall Paige also started tap and ballet! If you know Paige at all she is about as dainty as they come! She absolutely LOVES it, and loves it even more that we go to each of her practices as a family. Her first recital is in April at Nations Ford High School Auditorium in Fort Mill, and we cannot wait to see her in her cute costumes!
She also has tons of sweet girlfriends, that we have gotten to know really well! I hope they all continue to remain friends as they are all so sweet and loving to each other.
So Zman has grown up so much this year! He started talking this summer, and now weighs as much as Paige. When I have the kids out together, I always get asked if they are twins! Yes, they are about the same height as well! He has some interests, mostly the typical boy interests of cars, choochoos and airplanes. He and Paige have regular conversations in the car that make me laugh!
Zach and I get to hang out twice a week since Paige is in school. We regularly attend the library classes, go to the park, and have time together. He is a great companion to shop with, and just loves interacting with the people we come into contact with, saying "Hi", "Bye", "See you Soon", and blowing kisses.
I can't believe he is going to be two on December 18th! Time flies so fast, and I just feel so blessed to be his mommy! He is such a loving and caring boy. He is a great brother to Paige, sharing, giving hugs, asking for kisses, and just overall sweetness. He is quite the passionate human being at times, but I hear passionate kids make great leaders! So, in those moments, we love him where he is at, and teach and discipline where necessary as well.
Zach started school in the fall too, and at first was a little nervous and scared. He cried when I would drop him off, but his confidence that mommy will come back has gone up, and he now walks in ready to play! His teachers have said nothing but positive things about him, and he ALWAYS leaves blowing kisses to Ms. Tammy and Ms. Ruth!
This year we were able to take Paige to Disney for the first time. We just loved seeing her reactions to things. We also got to see Wayne's Grandmommie for the last time, as she passed away in July of this year, just before her 90th birthday! We were so blessed by her life in so many ways. When we visited her she was so active and took Paige on a ride on her walker! It was the funniest thing.
We were also blessed this summer to have a special guest in our home. A friend of Wayne's family contacted us regarding their grandson and asked if we had a place for him to stay while he did his internship for grad school. Since we have an extra room in our house, we felt so honored to be able to offer him a home as he blessed us with a new friendship...our kids were so blessed by his interaction and interest in them, and we feel like we added a new member to our family! We love the Jacksons and are so excited for what the future holds for them in Texas, and we will definitely hold some great summer of 2011 memories in our hearts!
Wayne and I have had our house on the market now for almost 2 years! Yes, it has been that long! We continue to pray through what we are supposed to do with that, as we pray through schools for Paige in the future, and what neighborhood God wants us in. For now, we remain in the same location and hope that the right door opens up when it is time.
We will certainly miss Arveda "GreatMommie/Grandmommie" Thomas this Christmas as she passed away at the ripe age of 89 just short of her 90th birthday. We will miss visiting her in the nursing home on our visits to Dowling Park and her overall smile.
We are praying that 2012 holds just as much joy as 2011! Wayne and I send so much love to you and your family and hope that some how our life will intersect with yours in a more personal way than a Christmas letter or facebook.
Love to all!
Wayne, Jamie, Paige, Zach and Hollie (the dog)
I read an article by Tim Tebow the other day, and it is too good not to share what he had to say after being asked to chill out on his Jesus comments by another fellow football player. There are not too many folks out there who have a backbone of faith like this. Wayne and I both have appreciated his willingness to be that front runner for Jesus who is joyful enough to share his faith!
For us, as a family there has been so many wonderful things we have to be thankful for, but we also want to translate those great joys into something we share with others! I mean, when we get excited about a great deal we got, or something fun we did...most of us, immediately tell our friends, or at least go to facebook and post! I hope Wayne and I teach our children the same kind of excitement for our Lord. I hope that as we celebrate Jesus' birthday and as our kids get older, they become excited enough about, not only this season, but what Christ is doing in their own hearts that they "shout it from the mountain tops."
May we rest easy this Christmas, knowing that Jesus as come, Jesus is present, and that Jesus has won over death!
This year, Wayne took a new position within his company. It has been a very good learning experience for him. He has learned lots of new skills, as well as recently traveling to India to facilitate training. He really enjoyed his trip to India, as it was the first time Wayne had EVER been out of the country! As his wife, it was a little scary watching his flight on flight tracker go over so many countries. His flight time was about 17hrs. in flight. And, the time difference is 11hrs. ahead of the east coast. It actually worked out great to talk to him, because as I was waking up, he was about to go to bed! And...I have a new love for Skype, as it was perfect and free to talk to him while he was a half a world away!

I continue to absolutely love being a mom to my kids. It by far surpasses anything that I do! This year started out with a 1 year old and 2 1/2 year old where Paige was going to school two days a week and I had Zach with me every day. During those days I took Zach to My Gym a few times a week and to the library. Then, hit the summer, where we did Camp Tiny courtesy of a great writer friend, who shared her talents with us mommy's this summer. We had some great fun being creative, memorizing bible verses, and connecting with each other.
Then...came fall! Both Zach and Paige started school. Paige 3 days a week and Zach 1 day a week. At first, Zach wasn't too happy about going, but now he has warmed up nicely and I am so proud of my children, as Paige walks him to school with me each Friday morning, holding his hand and telling Zach, "you are going to have so much fun today at school." He smiles and now...walks right in to his teachers. And, of course I teared up dropping Paige off for the first time in car line...watching her grow up to become a little lady makes me proud, but wonders where the time goes!
My business is going strong, we are entering our 5th year...stronger than last year as in March we decided to add a new componant to it. So now, not only do we do Virtual Assistance and Web Design, but we have added a social shopping comparison site as well (similar to Amazon, but offering cashback to the consumers who shop through there). If you love to support small businesses, this is a great way to do it, and we can even help you find the best deals on products you normally buy with over 4,000 partner stores (Barnes and Nobles, Travelocity, REI, Ebay, etc.). I am so proud of my little company, the mission behind it, the women behind it, the families that support it, and the ability to help individuals, small businesses, and now families save time and money. I feel so blessed by the opportunities that have come with it, and am looking forward to another 5 years! So fun!
Personally, I still have my girls group on Monday nights. We have taken the fall off, but are eager to get back for January! Two of those girls are expecting some little ones, that we cannot wait to have in our playgroup. Playgroups have been less and less since the kids started school, so we don't get to see each other as much, so having Monday nights has been such a blessing to relax and catch up.
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Us on a date at the American Idol Concert |
Life as a three year old has been great for Paige. She has accomplished so much this year even coming out of her shell quite a bit from a shy girl, to a little girl who loves to be involved and included. She loved school last year, so we enrolled her again this year. We were fortunate that she got her same teacher that she bonded so well with last year for her 3 year old class. She now goes to school 3 days a week and insists on car line 2 days a week as it is her "big girl duty". On Friday it is her big sister duty to walk her brother in, and then I get the privledge of walking her in that day and she loves that as well.

This fall Paige also started tap and ballet! If you know Paige at all she is about as dainty as they come! She absolutely LOVES it, and loves it even more that we go to each of her practices as a family. Her first recital is in April at Nations Ford High School Auditorium in Fort Mill, and we cannot wait to see her in her cute costumes!
She also has tons of sweet girlfriends, that we have gotten to know really well! I hope they all continue to remain friends as they are all so sweet and loving to each other.
So Zman has grown up so much this year! He started talking this summer, and now weighs as much as Paige. When I have the kids out together, I always get asked if they are twins! Yes, they are about the same height as well! He has some interests, mostly the typical boy interests of cars, choochoos and airplanes. He and Paige have regular conversations in the car that make me laugh!
Zach and I get to hang out twice a week since Paige is in school. We regularly attend the library classes, go to the park, and have time together. He is a great companion to shop with, and just loves interacting with the people we come into contact with, saying "Hi", "Bye", "See you Soon", and blowing kisses.
I can't believe he is going to be two on December 18th! Time flies so fast, and I just feel so blessed to be his mommy! He is such a loving and caring boy. He is a great brother to Paige, sharing, giving hugs, asking for kisses, and just overall sweetness. He is quite the passionate human being at times, but I hear passionate kids make great leaders! So, in those moments, we love him where he is at, and teach and discipline where necessary as well.
Zach started school in the fall too, and at first was a little nervous and scared. He cried when I would drop him off, but his confidence that mommy will come back has gone up, and he now walks in ready to play! His teachers have said nothing but positive things about him, and he ALWAYS leaves blowing kisses to Ms. Tammy and Ms. Ruth!
We were also blessed this summer to have a special guest in our home. A friend of Wayne's family contacted us regarding their grandson and asked if we had a place for him to stay while he did his internship for grad school. Since we have an extra room in our house, we felt so honored to be able to offer him a home as he blessed us with a new friendship...our kids were so blessed by his interaction and interest in them, and we feel like we added a new member to our family! We love the Jacksons and are so excited for what the future holds for them in Texas, and we will definitely hold some great summer of 2011 memories in our hearts!
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Us hiking in Colorado |
We will certainly miss Arveda "GreatMommie/Grandmommie" Thomas this Christmas as she passed away at the ripe age of 89 just short of her 90th birthday. We will miss visiting her in the nursing home on our visits to Dowling Park and her overall smile.
We are praying that 2012 holds just as much joy as 2011! Wayne and I send so much love to you and your family and hope that some how our life will intersect with yours in a more personal way than a Christmas letter or facebook.
Love to all!
Wayne, Jamie, Paige, Zach and Hollie (the dog)
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12:49 PM
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Holy Cow, this writing this down stuff can be difficult. Figured I better bulk this one together just to catch up!
We have been so big on the celebration of Jesus' birth.
3rd day we learned about the promise of Jesus told in Malachi. We talked about what a promise was. For Zach he listened and I showed him the pictures displayed in their kids bibles of the prophet Malachi.
For their treat we went and saw my Uncle Santa. Santa in our home is like Mickey Mouse or one of the Princesses. We go and see him each Christmas if he makes his way up here, and they look with awe as they do Buzz, Woody, Minnie and Belle! Its super cute and totally not confusing. It was a great treat for the kids as they also got to see their friends, share cookies that they had made with their friends and had a great time!
4th Day of Advent
Todays verses were about the Angel coming to Joseph to tell him about the baby that God was blessing Mary with. We talked about how the Angel needed to tell Joseph so that he could take good care of Mary while she had baby Jesus in her tummy. But that God was giving him a gift as well. Click here and Here to down load our craft for the day. We colored some presents that had different words that we discussed in our story. JOY, PEACE, LOVE, KINDNESS, GENTLENESS and PATIENCE
We have been so big on the celebration of Jesus' birth.
3rd day we learned about the promise of Jesus told in Malachi. We talked about what a promise was. For Zach he listened and I showed him the pictures displayed in their kids bibles of the prophet Malachi.
For their treat we went and saw my Uncle Santa. Santa in our home is like Mickey Mouse or one of the Princesses. We go and see him each Christmas if he makes his way up here, and they look with awe as they do Buzz, Woody, Minnie and Belle! Its super cute and totally not confusing. It was a great treat for the kids as they also got to see their friends, share cookies that they had made with their friends and had a great time!
4th Day of Advent
Todays verses were about the Angel coming to Joseph to tell him about the baby that God was blessing Mary with. We talked about how the Angel needed to tell Joseph so that he could take good care of Mary while she had baby Jesus in her tummy. But that God was giving him a gift as well. Click here and Here to down load our craft for the day. We colored some presents that had different words that we discussed in our story. JOY, PEACE, LOVE, KINDNESS, GENTLENESS and PATIENCE
Their treat that day was a lunch out to Steak and Shake. We had a great time as a family, Steak and Shake does free meals for kids on the weekends, and they give them all kinds of goodies. So, we had a great time!
5th Day of Advent
Today we actually talked about the long journey that Mary and Joseph went through before they got to Bethlehem. We talked about how they had to travel because the Emperor told them they had to, but that Mary was about to have her baby. We ended the story talking about the KINDNESS of the Inn Keeper and how he gave them a place to stay despite the crowded city. Now we are waiting for the exciting moment of Jesus' arrival. I can't wait to share with my kids why it is so important for Jesus to be born which is why we are talking about his birth early on in advent.
Their treat today since Mondays are quite busy with kid activities was a cake pop from Starbucks! They love them, they are easy to eat and they are cheap! Birthday Cake is our favorite. So fun!
Labels:Crafts,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
Monday, December 5, 2011
10:22 PM
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Today we studies shepherds and what they do and learned about the Angel appearing to the Shepherds in the field telling them that baby Jesus had been born and that they were to leave their flock to go see the baby. We went and hunted good shephard sticks today and tomorrow we are going to decorate them with ribbon and maybe little bells to give them character.
For their treat today they each got a piece of hershey kisses. I'll update with a post of pics of the finished shepherd sticks! ;)
For their treat today they each got a piece of hershey kisses. I'll update with a post of pics of the finished shepherd sticks! ;)
Labels:Crafts,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
9:00 PM
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Us at Storytime! |
I thought it would be fun for all of us to make crowns and wear them while we listened and learned about the story! Just find some construction paper lying around. Target and other places have the sparkly stickers, cut the paper in the shape of a crown. With an 8x11 sheet of paper you can cut one part and then cut the other, but you only need one sheet, but will have to attach two parts for it to fit their head. Tape and then measure head and tape the ends together. Simple.
Labels:Crafts,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
7:00 PM
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We are having so much fun this Christmas season! The kids are at amazing ages!
Day 8 we continue to learn about the life of Jesus! We learned how the 3 Kings were the ones that told Mary and Joseph that they needed to leave Bethlehem because the "bad king" was mad that Jesus was born. My favorite questions have been, "Why was Jesus born?", "Why was the King mad at Jesus Mama?" and last but not least, "Mama, I think the Kings that gave Jesus presents are really smart, how did they find Jesus?"
For Advent Day 8 Paige was allowed to invite a friend over. So she chose one of her sweet girlfriends from school. They played dress-up, pretended to be Repunzel, and did a craft together. Here is our craft. It was super fun and easy and only $5 at Target!
Day 9 - Today is Pajama Day! Thanks to Paige's school this made for a great Advent event as well! After school I have planned for us to start making Christmas cards for her friends at school! Want to make sure tis the season of giving to be completely what this is all about! Oh...BTW I picked up these cute Christmas card things from Target as well for $3 for a set of 20! They can be personalized with their friends name on them!
Day 8 we continue to learn about the life of Jesus! We learned how the 3 Kings were the ones that told Mary and Joseph that they needed to leave Bethlehem because the "bad king" was mad that Jesus was born. My favorite questions have been, "Why was Jesus born?", "Why was the King mad at Jesus Mama?" and last but not least, "Mama, I think the Kings that gave Jesus presents are really smart, how did they find Jesus?"
For Advent Day 8 Paige was allowed to invite a friend over. So she chose one of her sweet girlfriends from school. They played dress-up, pretended to be Repunzel, and did a craft together. Here is our craft. It was super fun and easy and only $5 at Target!
Day 9 - Today is Pajama Day! Thanks to Paige's school this made for a great Advent event as well! After school I have planned for us to start making Christmas cards for her friends at school! Want to make sure tis the season of giving to be completely what this is all about! Oh...BTW I picked up these cute Christmas card things from Target as well for $3 for a set of 20! They can be personalized with their friends name on them!
Labels:Crafts,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
Friday, December 2, 2011
9:10 PM
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On the 2nd day of advent we learned about being blessed.
Scripture today was: Luke: 1:42-45
I taught them the song, "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" We also talked about how we are blessed and what that actually means.
"Blessed to be a blessing" was something that I taught them.
Today on the advent Calendar their treat was to make cookies and make a door hanging craft. I picked up the door hanging craft at the dollar store. They are so easy and use a glue stick.
Then we made cookies to bless our friends with. We can't wait to share them at our little Christmas party tomorrow!
Have fun! Cheers to Day 3!
Scripture today was: Luke: 1:42-45
I taught them the song, "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" We also talked about how we are blessed and what that actually means.
"Blessed to be a blessing" was something that I taught them.
Then we made cookies to bless our friends with. We can't wait to share them at our little Christmas party tomorrow!
Labels:Crafts,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
8:25 PM
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I am so excited to do Advent this year. There is so much to do with a three year old and a two year old! I am so grateful to my friend who has a wonderful talent in graphics and ideas! This year I downloaded her advent calendar template and added my own twist to it. You can down load it too at her etsy shop by clicking here. Just email her the availability. For mine, I simply print them out and laminated them, so that I could write their surprise on the back with a white board marker. Then I attached ribbon I had lying around...I think twine or henna string would look fab too!
We turn over our card at the beginning of our time together.
Our Advent Calendar... |
I am so excited to teach my kids about Jesus. It is because of His birth we have the precious and most treasured gift...the ability to have a clean heart. I always tell my kids that without Jesus we have dirty hearts.
On the first day of advent we learned...
About the angel Gabriel that came and told Mary and Joseph that they were going to have a baby. We colored a picture of an angel. Feel free to download this here.
We also did an advent wreath ornament. Feel free to download that here as well.
The verse we talked about was
Books we read were about gifts...Baby's first Christmas Present, Spot books, simple gift books. I use my tablet a lot for interactive books.
We finished off our time with a one dollar hot fudge Sunday from McDonalds!
We turn over our card at the beginning of our time together.
Stay Tuned for day two!
Labels:Crafts,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
10:52 AM
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I have two small children, one who was born at a preemie weight at 38 weeks, and the other born with a collapsed lung at 37 weeks. The health and nutrition of my children have always been a priority. For my daughter it was weight gain and making sure I integrated proper nutrition into her diet. And, for my son, it was making sure his immune system was high enough to ward off any unwanted bacteria that could creep into his lungs to cause pneumonia, bronchitis or even meningitis.
With this in mind, a friend/family member of mine who was an expert in health and nutritional supplements (her husband happened to be a retired pediatrician as well) pointed me in the direction of some fascinating research. Which, if you know me at all, I absorb every new piece of information that someone can put on my plate. The most profound statement she made to me that day was, "not ALL vitamins are created equal!"
Yes, there are different types of vitamins or health supplements. Both for children and adults, but for me, it started with my kids! There are 2 important things to know and take away...the first is that there are pharmaceutical grade vitamins. What this means (you check out some more info by clicking here) is that because the FDA is not able to regulate the standards of these vitamins, companies can put different elements besides the actual vitamin in the ingredients, but still call it whatever! So, how do you know it is of Grade A quality or pharmaceutical grade. Well, the difference is in the purity of the vitamin itself. Grade A simply means that it is completely pure and must have a quality of 99% pure.
The next piece of information I got regarding what I was giving my children (I was a Flinstone vitamin mommy, can anyone relate?) was the facts about absorption rates. Which simply means how fast do the vitamins absorb into the blood stream so that my children's body is able to use the supplements I am giving them. Try this, I was shocked, take one of your vitamin pills, put it into a glass of water and see how long it takes to dissolve!
So, how do you reach maximum absorption, so that your kids are getting not only the best ingredients, but that the best ingredients are actually being absorbed into their bloodstream so their bodies can use it? The trick is to make sure the vitamins you are giving your children are in an isotonic format. What does this mean? "Isotonic solutions bear the same chemical resemblance to blood and tears allowing for superior delivery and complete absorption." (isotonix.com). I now use a certain type of product and their multi-vitamin, their OMEGA3's are all in this format. I don't let them leave home without it. During cold and flu season, they also get a healthy dose of Vitamin C. To know what I am actually giving my kids is not only the best ingredients but is being used by their body at 95-99% is unbelievable! Thank you to my friend for the wonderful information! I feel smarter, and a better mommy because of it!
If you would like to find out how to get some of these products, you can contact me directly and I will point you in the right direction.
Other articles you might like:
Omega 3 and its impact on children's health
Omega 3 and ADD or ADHD
Calcium and Women's Health
With this in mind, a friend/family member of mine who was an expert in health and nutritional supplements (her husband happened to be a retired pediatrician as well) pointed me in the direction of some fascinating research. Which, if you know me at all, I absorb every new piece of information that someone can put on my plate. The most profound statement she made to me that day was, "not ALL vitamins are created equal!"
Yes, there are different types of vitamins or health supplements. Both for children and adults, but for me, it started with my kids! There are 2 important things to know and take away...the first is that there are pharmaceutical grade vitamins. What this means (you check out some more info by clicking here) is that because the FDA is not able to regulate the standards of these vitamins, companies can put different elements besides the actual vitamin in the ingredients, but still call it whatever! So, how do you know it is of Grade A quality or pharmaceutical grade. Well, the difference is in the purity of the vitamin itself. Grade A simply means that it is completely pure and must have a quality of 99% pure.
The next piece of information I got regarding what I was giving my children (I was a Flinstone vitamin mommy, can anyone relate?) was the facts about absorption rates. Which simply means how fast do the vitamins absorb into the blood stream so that my children's body is able to use the supplements I am giving them. Try this, I was shocked, take one of your vitamin pills, put it into a glass of water and see how long it takes to dissolve!
So, how do you reach maximum absorption, so that your kids are getting not only the best ingredients, but that the best ingredients are actually being absorbed into their bloodstream so their bodies can use it? The trick is to make sure the vitamins you are giving your children are in an isotonic format. What does this mean? "Isotonic solutions bear the same chemical resemblance to blood and tears allowing for superior delivery and complete absorption." (isotonix.com). I now use a certain type of product and their multi-vitamin, their OMEGA3's are all in this format. I don't let them leave home without it. During cold and flu season, they also get a healthy dose of Vitamin C. To know what I am actually giving my kids is not only the best ingredients but is being used by their body at 95-99% is unbelievable! Thank you to my friend for the wonderful information! I feel smarter, and a better mommy because of it!
If you would like to find out how to get some of these products, you can contact me directly and I will point you in the right direction.
Other articles you might like:
Omega 3 and its impact on children's health
Omega 3 and ADD or ADHD
Calcium and Women's Health
Labels:Nutrition 411,Wellness | 0
Saturday, October 15, 2011
3:33 PM
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Everyone LOVES beef stew! So, I am going to share a simple family recipe with you for beef stew. You may have one as well! Would love to hear it and try it! This is one, naturally, the kids can help you with, and its healthy, so you can't go wrong.
You can do this in a crockpot OR...I prefer a stone egg.
Preset your oven to about 250 and plan to make this for dinner so that you can begin around lunch time it needs to cook for at least 3hrs - preferred is 4 depending on your oven!
Now for the ingredients:
In order for the kids to help, make sure you precut your potatoes, predrain your can of green beans, and prepare your gravy (mix 1 can cream of mushroom soup, with water and onion soup mix in a mixing bowl with a spout). I cut my potatoes with a crinkle cutter from pampered chef...super great and cut them into fours makes for easy eating later.
You put the meat in first in your crockpot or slow cooking egg, and then have your little one add the rest! Top with the gravy!
Cover, and let cook for 3-4hrs! Serve immediately after taking out and YUMMY!
You can do this in a crockpot OR...I prefer a stone egg.
Preset your oven to about 250 and plan to make this for dinner so that you can begin around lunch time it needs to cook for at least 3hrs - preferred is 4 depending on your oven!
Now for the ingredients:
- 1-2lbs of stew beef from the butcher - of course your local grocery store may have good beef, but I like it nice and tender, so fresh is better!
- pack of baby carrots
- Fresh green beans (however you will need to string them if you get fresh) or 1 can of french style green beans
- 1 can of cream of mushroom soup
- 1 packet of onion soup mix
- 1 cup water
- 7-10 baby red potatoes (amount depends on size)
In order for the kids to help, make sure you precut your potatoes, predrain your can of green beans, and prepare your gravy (mix 1 can cream of mushroom soup, with water and onion soup mix in a mixing bowl with a spout). I cut my potatoes with a crinkle cutter from pampered chef...super great and cut them into fours makes for easy eating later.
You put the meat in first in your crockpot or slow cooking egg, and then have your little one add the rest! Top with the gravy!
Cover, and let cook for 3-4hrs! Serve immediately after taking out and YUMMY!
Labels:Recipes,Wellness | 0
Thursday, September 22, 2011
2:18 PM
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School has started, cooler weather, and lots more! Today became FALL DAY! I couldn't help myself...my favorite season needed to be celebrated. Here are just a few ideas so that you too, can have a FALL DAY with the kids!
Books: SEASONS, Fancy Nancy's Halloween or Bust, Book on Thanks
Theme was ALL about Fall!
Lunch: PB&J sandwich, cheese and yogurt
Craft: Tree of Many Colors.
Snack: Cranberry and White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Books: SEASONS, Fancy Nancy's Halloween or Bust, Book on Thanks
Theme was ALL about Fall!
Lunch: PB&J sandwich, cheese and yogurt
Craft: Tree of Many Colors.
Snack: Cranberry and White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
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For Lunch was some yummy PB&J but I used the Pampered Chef (click on the link for my pampered chef lady, if you don't have one) small cookie cutter set, to carve out some lovely "fall" like shapes for the kids to eat. Today, I just so happened to be in the mood for pumpkins. |
I hope to follow up this with a great project in the coming weeks! Enjoy a great fall day with your kid(s)!
Labels:Craft,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
Thursday, September 1, 2011
11:24 AM
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This post is dedicated to a friend of mine who is an excellent gardner and excellent cook. She made this for me when I came over to visit her daughter, and it bursted with yummy fresh flavor! I recently tried the recipe for myself with some fresh veggies and herbs from my own garden, and I am thrilled to be sharing it with you! It is a great summer/fall dish, rich with flavor and color! And...as always under 30 minutes from start to the table.
I like to make this recipe for myself and then make another to share with a neighbor or friend. Mostly because it is so easy to make 2!
4 -6 Large Tomatoes (fresh from the garden or organic give better flavor)
2 pkg. of Italian 6 blend cheese (Sargento is good)
4 long stalks of basil leaves from the garden.
Your Choice: Orzo Pasta, White Rice, or Whole Grain Rice
You are going to layer these like you would a lasanga. Start with the tomatos and layer a 9x13 pan with cut tomatoes. Then layer with basil leaves (take off the stalk), then layer with cheese. Repeat. Bake in oven on 350 until cheese is slighly brown (approx. 15-20min.). Try not to bake too much or you will stew your tomatoes.
While the pie is in the oven, cook your pasta or rice. On a plate, place your pasta or rice, take your pie out of the oven and serve your pie over your pasta or rice! That is it!
Thanks Leta for the yummy recipe! Glad I can share!
I like to make this recipe for myself and then make another to share with a neighbor or friend. Mostly because it is so easy to make 2!
4 -6 Large Tomatoes (fresh from the garden or organic give better flavor)
2 pkg. of Italian 6 blend cheese (Sargento is good)
4 long stalks of basil leaves from the garden.
Your Choice: Orzo Pasta, White Rice, or Whole Grain Rice
You are going to layer these like you would a lasanga. Start with the tomatos and layer a 9x13 pan with cut tomatoes. Then layer with basil leaves (take off the stalk), then layer with cheese. Repeat. Bake in oven on 350 until cheese is slighly brown (approx. 15-20min.). Try not to bake too much or you will stew your tomatoes.
While the pie is in the oven, cook your pasta or rice. On a plate, place your pasta or rice, take your pie out of the oven and serve your pie over your pasta or rice! That is it!
Thanks Leta for the yummy recipe! Glad I can share!
Labels:Recipes,Wellness | 0
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
2:56 PM
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So, I thought I would write a brief blurb about how my life has changed since I had kids. I have never had a "normal" job. 9-5 just isn't my forte' ask my previous supervisors. They would be honest with you and me! But, when my husband and I decided to have kids you probably wouldn't have convinced me that I would be one to stay at home with them. Partly because the people around me sent their kids to the preschool that was in the place that I worked, so they could see them any time, pick them up at a decent hour, then spend the rest of their day with their children. Seemed like the right way to go for me too.
However, things change, times change, jobs change, lots of change going on, and it became more apparent, that the hours and time that I enjoyed working just would not mesh with a family. I was the 70 hour/week workaholic and probably not in the good sense. Boundaries to me, were a not in line with what they should be about. I had a hard time saying no. In fact, I was crazy enough to apply to get my PhD after graduate school (I did get in) just to have something to do and to possibly continue my writing. It was rediculous now that I look back on it. But, I was in my twenties and my husband and I were living in a small town home struggling to get by so to have big dreams seemed the only right thing to do.
THEN...the actual kid came! My daughter was born, and weeks before (actually, just a few weeks) we decided that I wanted to stay at home with her and get a feel for this motherhood thing. It did help that I started this little business on the side that I could do from home, thanks to my older brother who needed some administrative help. This virtual assistant idea bloomed into a larger idea and a mission that would far surpass anything I had ever thought of. And...to be frank, I clearly heard the mission and the vision from God myself and I wish to this day I would have wrote down His exact words. Now, I can just summarize the message.
However, things change, times change, jobs change, lots of change going on, and it became more apparent, that the hours and time that I enjoyed working just would not mesh with a family. I was the 70 hour/week workaholic and probably not in the good sense. Boundaries to me, were a not in line with what they should be about. I had a hard time saying no. In fact, I was crazy enough to apply to get my PhD after graduate school (I did get in) just to have something to do and to possibly continue my writing. It was rediculous now that I look back on it. But, I was in my twenties and my husband and I were living in a small town home struggling to get by so to have big dreams seemed the only right thing to do.
THEN...the actual kid came! My daughter was born, and weeks before (actually, just a few weeks) we decided that I wanted to stay at home with her and get a feel for this motherhood thing. It did help that I started this little business on the side that I could do from home, thanks to my older brother who needed some administrative help. This virtual assistant idea bloomed into a larger idea and a mission that would far surpass anything I had ever thought of. And...to be frank, I clearly heard the mission and the vision from God myself and I wish to this day I would have wrote down His exact words. Now, I can just summarize the message.
Labels:Life,Mommyhood | 0
Friday, July 29, 2011
3:17 PM
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It is Friday! I can't believe it! I have been thinking long and hard about my fabulous find for today! Especially for us parents who struggle with teaching balance for our children in regards to playing by themselves, playing with each other (if you have more than one) and me playing with them! So...stay tuned, as I have a terrific fabulous find!
First and foremost I need to give a shout out to my husband who treated me to a date last night! It wasn't just a normal date, it was the American Idol concert. If you didn't watch last season, the talent on there was amazing. Last night proved to be some of their best talent coming out! Wow...some of the folks that I didn't even vote for did the best performances! Here is a little pic from last night...what fun! We were too high up to get a face to face shot with Scotty McCreery!
If you haven't been on a date with your spouse lately, make the time, not only is it well worth it, but it was just more than nice to just hold hands, hang out, and scream like crazy fans with my best friend!
Now onto my fabulous find...although, my husband is surely to be my most treasured and best fabulous find!
This book! Its amazing! Great ideas for parents for their children. And...best of all it is all with stuff that you would normally find around the house!
Got it on Barnes and Nobles website through my new favorite place! Additional 4% cashback. Plus a great price! You do have to click on Partner Stores and Search for Barnes and Noble!
First and foremost I need to give a shout out to my husband who treated me to a date last night! It wasn't just a normal date, it was the American Idol concert. If you didn't watch last season, the talent on there was amazing. Last night proved to be some of their best talent coming out! Wow...some of the folks that I didn't even vote for did the best performances! Here is a little pic from last night...what fun! We were too high up to get a face to face shot with Scotty McCreery!
If you haven't been on a date with your spouse lately, make the time, not only is it well worth it, but it was just more than nice to just hold hands, hang out, and scream like crazy fans with my best friend!
Now onto my fabulous find...although, my husband is surely to be my most treasured and best fabulous find!
This book! Its amazing! Great ideas for parents for their children. And...best of all it is all with stuff that you would normally find around the house!
Got it on Barnes and Nobles website through my new favorite place! Additional 4% cashback. Plus a great price! You do have to click on Partner Stores and Search for Barnes and Noble!
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Unplugged Play! |
Labels:Kids Stuff,Life | 0
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
8:37 AM
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I apologize I have not written in so long! Our household has been a bit of a crazy mess. This week I happened to get sick with a disasterous cold. However, I feel like I need to share two great things on this FABULOUS FRIDAY!
My daughter starts dance lessons today! She looks absolutely adorable, and she is super excited! I can't wait to hear how her experience is once I drop her off.
AND...finally, I found a GREAT website for any kind of shoes!
The story behind it is...my son has incredibly odd feet...fat in all directions! So, reluctant to buy shoes that hurt his feet, I just kept socks on him, but with a rambunctious 18 month old comes the need for new shoes. A friend of mine recommended Keens. After looking them up online and taking a large gulp at the price I decided to check out a new shopping portal that is like an Amazon, but it finds the customer additional deals. So after searching the site, I was able to get him a pair of shoes, for 60% off, then with my FREE membership to this shopping site, I got an additional 11% PLUS free two day shipping! Super cool! Now my son has a great pair of shoes that fit him very well!
Here they are! Click HERE, and it will take you to the site that I got my great deal from! You will need to fill out an EZ Registration with just an email address so that it can give you the additional member benefits. BUT...it is free and they have a bunch of other stores. I typed in Toddler Keens in the search box, in case you are on the hunt for the same shoes!
My daughter starts dance lessons today! She looks absolutely adorable, and she is super excited! I can't wait to hear how her experience is once I drop her off.
AND...finally, I found a GREAT website for any kind of shoes!
The story behind it is...my son has incredibly odd feet...fat in all directions! So, reluctant to buy shoes that hurt his feet, I just kept socks on him, but with a rambunctious 18 month old comes the need for new shoes. A friend of mine recommended Keens. After looking them up online and taking a large gulp at the price I decided to check out a new shopping portal that is like an Amazon, but it finds the customer additional deals. So after searching the site, I was able to get him a pair of shoes, for 60% off, then with my FREE membership to this shopping site, I got an additional 11% PLUS free two day shipping! Super cool! Now my son has a great pair of shoes that fit him very well!
Zach's New Shoes! |
Labels:Fab Finds,Life | 0
Thursday, June 23, 2011
9:39 AM
| Posted by
I apologize for skipping almost an entire week! Things got CRAZY around here! I have a fun job outside of mommyhood and I experienced quite a bit of it last week.
But, I have a VERY cute and simple find for my Fabulous Find Friday that I am posting on Thursday!
Yes...a fellow friend of mine on facebook introduced me and then I found out it is someone that I know! So, to help her promote her new adventure and my plan is to start CampTiny in my own house beginning next week....here you go! I hope you find it as cool as I do, and if you do, make sure you post a comment to tell her!
But, I have a VERY cute and simple find for my Fabulous Find Friday that I am posting on Thursday!
Yes...a fellow friend of mine on facebook introduced me and then I found out it is someone that I know! So, to help her promote her new adventure and my plan is to start CampTiny in my own house beginning next week....here you go! I hope you find it as cool as I do, and if you do, make sure you post a comment to tell her!
Labels:Fab Finds,Kids Stuff,Life | 0
Thursday, June 16, 2011
12:33 PM
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Ahhh...the southerner in me is coming out! It's summer! Get prepared for a great series I am going to do over the next couple of weeks on how you can use those YUMMY tomatoes that are about to POP out of your garden!
However, today since our tomatoes are still green, I am going to feature a delicious banana pudding that I got from my grandma, however I am going to change up one thing and that is the pudding type.
So grab 2 packages of pudding. This time I used Jello Banana Cream Mix vs. my usual vanilla. Either is fine.
Mix one box first.
Add to a bowl. I like to use a clear bowl because I love to see the layers of yellow and white and it makes for a good presentation. It's the Paula Dean in me! ;)
So, then I just had my daughter use one of her play kitchen knives to cut the bananas in to small slices. She loved it and did a great job. After she cut them, she then placed a layer in the bowl on top of the pudding. After you layer with banana, use Cool Whip and spread over bananas, top with a layer of our favorite vanillla wafers
However, today since our tomatoes are still green, I am going to feature a delicious banana pudding that I got from my grandma, however I am going to change up one thing and that is the pudding type.
So grab 2 packages of pudding. This time I used Jello Banana Cream Mix vs. my usual vanilla. Either is fine.
Mix one box first.
Add to a bowl. I like to use a clear bowl because I love to see the layers of yellow and white and it makes for a good presentation. It's the Paula Dean in me! ;)
Once you do that...we are still not done!
Now that you have done the first layer...you do another one. This time layering your second batch of pudding, then another whole banana, and finally top with your Cool Whip. Once you have done this top with your wafers. Refrigerate and enjoy! Nice, cool and southern dessert! Let me know what you think!
Labels:Recipes,Wellness | 0
Monday, June 13, 2011
8:54 AM
| Posted by
As the caretaker of two little children on this earth, I have lately been contemplating what life would be like with a third. It has been a hard and emotional place to come to because there are so many variables. One, being my husband, who is fairly certain two is good for him. However, he will preface, that if we were in a different financial position, he would be more open. Which has led me to ask many questions, obviously.
But, for me the variables are my difficult pregnancies, my anxiousness during my pregnancies with the loss of our first child, and then the responsibilities that come after they are born. Especially, since I do work and want to continue to work. It is a frustrating place to be in because I LOVE having children, love them to pieces, and I particularly LOVE when they are the age they are now. So, one more to me, makes me think the family would be complete. And, I have an uneasy spirit about where we are now. For those of you that know me, it translates to a lot going on in the processing of my thoughts, feelings, and even my prayer life with the Lord.
Lately, I have just prayed for the Lord to make it abundantly clear to the both of us. Like, change our hearts miraculously. If it is my heart that needs to be changed, then I want the spirit of contentment to override what I am feeling right now. If we are to have another one, the Lord is going to have to miraculously speak into my husband's heart to give it a go! And, of course I would follow.
I need Scripture to hold my place while I am waiting for some kind of clarity. The Lord always speaks to me in quiet, and when I am writing, so I ask you to pray with me as I find time to write and journal about this fragile topic.
But, for me the variables are my difficult pregnancies, my anxiousness during my pregnancies with the loss of our first child, and then the responsibilities that come after they are born. Especially, since I do work and want to continue to work. It is a frustrating place to be in because I LOVE having children, love them to pieces, and I particularly LOVE when they are the age they are now. So, one more to me, makes me think the family would be complete. And, I have an uneasy spirit about where we are now. For those of you that know me, it translates to a lot going on in the processing of my thoughts, feelings, and even my prayer life with the Lord.
Lately, I have just prayed for the Lord to make it abundantly clear to the both of us. Like, change our hearts miraculously. If it is my heart that needs to be changed, then I want the spirit of contentment to override what I am feeling right now. If we are to have another one, the Lord is going to have to miraculously speak into my husband's heart to give it a go! And, of course I would follow.
I need Scripture to hold my place while I am waiting for some kind of clarity. The Lord always speaks to me in quiet, and when I am writing, so I ask you to pray with me as I find time to write and journal about this fragile topic.
Labels:Life,Mommyhood | 1 comments
Friday, June 10, 2011
9:23 AM
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I have been searching long and hard to find the RIGHT tablet. I'm not a trend follower, typically, for those that don't know me. I process and research for months before making a purchase. I have been wanting a tablet, mostly for business purposes. I have a smart phone that I am able to share the internet with folks, but it is not the same particularly when you have a 10" screen vs. my tiny smart phone screen.
I might offend some people, BUT, it is what it is, I am not a HUGE fan of apple. I have the ipod, and that is about all I own. I could tell you why but that would go into a very long story - so I will wait to dialog with folks on that issue. SO...the Ipad is out - however, to be fair, I did look at it! Very nice and slim, is fast, but there were too many things I didn't like (no expandable memory space, apple market not as many free apps).
Now on to my quest - and maybe this is not a TRUE fabulous find because I haven't actually purchased it yet - but I am looking for a GREAT Android powered tablet! I have tried a couple, even purchased one, but decided to return it because of the actual Android operating system is not the Honeycomb 3.0, and I did not know that until after I bought it.
Now to those of you who don't really care about the details - guess what, that is what you have me for! Because I like the details and the research and SO far...no luck. Here are my breakdowns:
Motorola Xoom - Too heavy!
Acer Tablet - Definitely in the running - Light Weight and easy to use
Ipad - did not have expandable memory (SD ability) and I don't like the fact that ONLY apple stuff works with it.
Archos - This was the one I bought...and well, it did not run on an operating system that was compatible with most Android Apps. So...bad purchase, and I'm sending it back.
If you have suggestions, I welcome them!
I might offend some people, BUT, it is what it is, I am not a HUGE fan of apple. I have the ipod, and that is about all I own. I could tell you why but that would go into a very long story - so I will wait to dialog with folks on that issue. SO...the Ipad is out - however, to be fair, I did look at it! Very nice and slim, is fast, but there were too many things I didn't like (no expandable memory space, apple market not as many free apps).
Now on to my quest - and maybe this is not a TRUE fabulous find because I haven't actually purchased it yet - but I am looking for a GREAT Android powered tablet! I have tried a couple, even purchased one, but decided to return it because of the actual Android operating system is not the Honeycomb 3.0, and I did not know that until after I bought it.
Now to those of you who don't really care about the details - guess what, that is what you have me for! Because I like the details and the research and SO far...no luck. Here are my breakdowns:
Motorola Xoom - Too heavy!
Acer Tablet - Definitely in the running - Light Weight and easy to use
Ipad - did not have expandable memory (SD ability) and I don't like the fact that ONLY apple stuff works with it.
Archos - This was the one I bought...and well, it did not run on an operating system that was compatible with most Android Apps. So...bad purchase, and I'm sending it back.
If you have suggestions, I welcome them!
Labels:Life | 0
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
8:26 AM
| Posted by
So, try this and let me know how your family likes it! I like to take the variety mix greens. They seem to have more flavor, but you can do this salad with spinach leaves only if you would like. Take a bag of dried cranberries and a bag of pecans whole or crushed, doesn't matter, sprinkle. Now...here is where preference comes in. You can either do blue cheese (strong) or feta, either is delicious - but the blue cheese is a MUCH stronger cheese. Sprinkle. Now, for the dressing:
1/2 cup Veg. Oil
1/4 cup Cidar Vinager
1 tbs. Worchester Sauce
1/2 cup sugar (or substitute your favorite sweetner I use Truvia)
1/2 tbs. poppy seeds (optional)
2 tbs. sesame seeds (optional)
MIX Well - Pour over salad and blend in! Enjoy!
Labels:Recipes,Wellness | 1 comments
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
12:54 PM
| Posted by
I went away for a great spiritual retreat for myself a few weeks ago. To gain clarity, reconnect with Jesus and simply pray about direction, life, being a wife, mom and everything else that goes with my title. It was great! But, I walked away with 3 things that I needed to take home with me. 1. Trust God 2. Developing a better self-image not just my body, but inside too! 3. Being not just a good wife, but a GREAT wife!
So, I thought it was quite humerous that a few weeks later, God is still reminding me "Are you trusting in me"?
Are you? How?
Labels:Inspiration,Life | 0
Friday, June 3, 2011
1:08 PM
| Posted by
If you are a local Charlottean or subburb of Charlotte you have to check out this place. It was my first visit and super fun! It is also FREE on Wednesdays and Fridays! 10-1pm! Thank you to my friends who introduced me!
Here are the details if you decide to go!
Here are the details if you decide to go!
Labels:Fab Finds,Life | 0
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